Ruth Davidson quits as Scottish Conservative leader

Ruth Davidson
Author: Clyde NewsPublished 29th Aug 2019
Last updated 29th Aug 2019

Ruth Davidson has confirmed she has resigned as leader of the Scottish Conservatives, saying holding the post had been the "privilege of my life''.

In her resignation letter, Ms Davidson said she had taken the decision as she faced fighting two elections in the next two years and did not want to be away from her young family.

She said: "It has been the privilege of my life to serve as the leader of the Scottish Conservative and Unionist party.

"The almost eight years I've spent at the helm have coincided with one of the most remarkable and important periods of recent Scottish political history.''

The letter went on: "Inevitably, much has changed over the years of my leadership - both personally and in the wider political context. While I have not hidden the conflict I have felt over Brexit, I have attempted to chart a course for our party which recognises and respects the referendum result, while seeking to maximise opportunities and mitigate risks for key Scottish businesses and sectors.

Ruth Davidson

"The biggest change, of course, has been starting a family. I cannot thank you, Jackson Carlaw and the wider party enough for the generosity and support you have all shown to Jen and me following the birth of baby Finn. It made my return to work in April as smooth as I could have hoped and I believe the flexibility shown by colleagues has allowed me these last months to continue operating successfully in my role as leader.

"However, as I look to the future, I see the Scottish Election due in 2021 and a credible threat from our opponents to force a general election before then. Having led our party through seven national elections and two referenda, I know the efforts, hours and travel required to fight such campaigns successfully.

"I have to be honest that where the idea of getting on the road to fight two elections in 20 months would once have fired me up, the threat of spending hundreds of hours away from my home and family now fills me with dread. That is no way to lead.'