Teachers back industrial action in workload dispute

Secondary-school teachers in Scotland have voted by 95% to 5% in favour of industrial action

Published 16th Jun 2016

Secondary-school teachers in Scotland have voted by 95% to 5% in favour of industrial action over concerns about their "excessive'' workload.

Members of the EIS teaching union are now set to take action short of strike action and could refuse to co-operate with the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA).

Teachers have repeatedly spoken out against the impact the introduction of new exams has had on the workload.

EIS general secretary Larry Flanagan said: "This ballot result reflects the frustration of Scotland's secondary teachers over the excessive assessment demands being placed on them and their pupils, particularly around unit assessments at National 5 and Higher; and the EIS now has a very clear mandate to implement an immediate work-to-contract in relation to SQA activity.''