Ways to Give

Donate to Cash for Kids

Please make a donation to support Cash for Kids across Ayrshire.

Together we can improve the lives of disadvantaged local children.

Donate Online

Make a secure one-off donation or set up a monthly direct debit for any amount you'd like to give.

Donate online >>

Text Donate

You can give direct from your phone by texting the numbers below;

Text WEST to 70905 to give £5

Text WEST to 70910 to give £10

Text WEST to 70920 to give £20

Texts cost one message plus the donation amount. 100% of the donation will come to Cash for Kids to support local children. Please obtain the bill payer's permission. 16+ only. Call customer care on 01642 605681 and view full terms and conditions at cashforkids.org.uk/textdonate.

Amazon Smile

Choose Cash for Kids as your charity on Amazon, and we'll receive a percentage back from them when you buy certain products - at no cost to you!

Visit smile.amazon.co.uk/ch/SC003334 to choose us, then next time you visit smile.amazon.co.uk and buy something you'll be supporting our work.

Bauer Radio's Cash for Kids registered charity 1122062 (England, Wales & NI), SC041421 (East Scotland) and SC003334 (West Scotland).