Kit Harington sports 'Jon Snow' haircut amidst rumours of Game of Thrones return

Will he, won't he??

Published 8th Jul 2015

Kit Harington, best known for his starring role as Jon Snow in Game of Thrones, has just sent the internet into a slight meltdown.

The reason for said meltdown is that Kit, seen pictured below at the Wimbledon Tennis Championship earlier in the week, is currently sporting a very 'Jon Snow' hair style...

What does that mean and why are we writing about a man's haircut? Well, glad you asked. Be warned, this next section of the article contains season 5 spoilers:

In the last series of Game of Thrones, Kit's seemingly invincible character, Jon Snow, was killed off by the writers (something they love to do), sending most of the world into a quiet depression for 3 days.

However, in the days that followed, rumours started to build that fans of Game of Thrones might not have seen the last of Jon Snow just yet. Many commentators took to the internet to declare their various theories around how and when Jon Snow might actually be brought back to life.

Both Kit and the shows producers have insisted that "dead is dead" and Jon Snow will not be returning for season 6. However co-star Emilia Clarke, who plays Daenerys, told MTV she had "no idea what's happening" and added (much to the delight of every Game of Thrones fan) "If I had to bet, I'd say there's like a 50/50 chance. There's some very helpful people there that could bring him back to life." Cue utter excitement and frenzy.

And now we reach the haircut...

After announcing his character was officially dead, Kit took a trip to the barbers to remove the long luscious locks that were Jon Snow's.

But now they're BACK.

What does this mean?

Is Jon Snow really returning?

We don't really know but we're happy to entertain the thought for as long as possible.