6 New Year's resolutions that we WON'T be making

Give up the things we love? No thanks!

Author: Laura Thornton

It happens every year, we over indulge at Christmas and start thinking about making changes to the way we shop and eat in the next year. We also see one year ending and another beginning as the perfect motivation to making changes in the rest of our lives. However we think that as great as this is, here are six resolutions we won't be making...

1) Giving up chocolate.

Easter eggs are pretty much on sale after Christmas and that's far too much temptation, we'll give them up after...

Woman loving chocolate

2) Joining a gym.

The gym will be really busy. We'll start working on our beach bodies in February when everyone else has given up!

Gym class

3) Eating healthy.

Festive food and drink taste so good! We'll wait until the leftovers have gone...

Healthy eating

4) New year, new me.

We've lasted this long as who we are, no need to fundamentally change everything about ourselves!

New Year

5) Shopping less.

Ok so we will definitely have a clear out, but first it's time to splurge in the sales! It will save us money in the long run...


6) Giving up television.

Ok so yes cutting down a little bit could be good for us, especially if we go outside more, however think of all the amazing shows we'd miss.

TV remote

Let's look back on some of the biggest showbiz stories of 2017, from Cheryl and Liam's baby, to the announcement of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's engagement.

Cheryl and Liam Payne welcomed their first child

After months of speculation regarding her pregnancy, Cheryl Tweedy and Liam Payne welcomed their first child into the world, a baby boy called Bear Grey.

6 New Year's resolutions that we WON'T be making
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