WATCH: Did Jon Snow's sword come to life in Game of Thrones?

What did we just see?

Published 22nd Aug 2017
Last updated 22nd Aug 2017

OK so GOT fans we are giving you plenty of warning, do not read on if you haven't yet seen episode six.

Episode six of Game of Thrones was equally epic and heart-wrenching.

'Beyond the Wall' saw Jon Snow and his band of merry men head beyond the wall in search of a wight that they could take back to Cersai to prove the existence of the White Walkers. The group, consisting of Jon, the Hound, Jorah, Beric, Thoros, Tormund, and Gendry and a few no-names that could be killed off as collateral damage, encountered a blue-eyed, very dead bear that tore into Thoros leaving him clinging on for life. (He later sadly died in the cold).

After finishing off the bear they stumbled across a small group of wights and in the ensuing fight all but one turned to ash when Jon killed the one who turned them.

However the rest of the wights weren't far behind. Jon sent Gendry off on a run worthy of Forest Gump to seek help from Daenerys who turned up just in time with dragons in tow. However the three dragons are now two after the Night King took Viserion down with an ice javelin (even the US Olympic team want to sign him up).

It looked like it could have been the end of Jon Snow as he disappeared into icy waters and the others were forced to fly away back to the wall. However our hero emerged from the water leading to the moment we want to talk about - DID HIS SWORD JUST BLINK???

As the King of the North emerged from the water, the camera focused on the wolf-shaped hilt of his sword 'Longclaw', leaving us all wondering if the eyes had opened. Watch the moment here:

That wasn't even the end of the excitement, Jon has been staring longingly at Daenerys while all she talked about was him bending the knee. However after being overwhelmed with relief at finding out Jon was alive, she told him she didn't need him to bend the knee, only for him to say he wants to! Say aww!

While we count down the hours until next week's episode, here's the trailer for the finale to keep you going.

Game of Thrones season seven concludes next Monday (August 28th) at 2am on Sky Atlantic.