£10 per week benefit to tackle child poverty in Scotland announced

Published 26th Jun 2019

A new benefit for low-income families to tackle child poverty in Scotland is being welcomed by campaigners.

They have described the Scottish Child Payment of £10 a week as "an absolute game-changer''.

The new benefit will provide eligible families with monthly income supplement payments for every child under 16, with introduction for under sixes starting by early 2021.

Communities Secretary Aileen Campbell told MSPs the Scottish Child Payment will reduce poverty and "stands to be one of the most progressive policy proposals put forward since devolution''.

By the time the benefit is rolled out to all eligible families across Scotland - those on benefits including universal credit, jobseekers allowance and child tax credits - the Government estimates 410,000 children could be eligible for the income supplement.

John Dickie, director of the Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) in Scotland, said: "This new payment is an absolute game-changer in the fight to end child poverty.

"£10 a week for each child will make a real difference to families struggling to put food on the table, heat their homes and pay for the ordinary school trips, sport and other activities that are fundamental to a decent childhood.

"Today's announcement is a landmark recognition of the role the Scottish social security system can play in ending child poverty.''

He added: "As a society that believes in justice and compassion, with a Parliament that has unanimously supported action to tackle poverty, today is an important milestone.

"Those who experience poverty, and the organisations that support them, have been listened to and action is being taken.

"Today has shown that we can use our social security powers for a purpose; loosening the grip of poverty on people's lives.''

Peter Kelly, director of the Poverty Alliance, said: "Amid a rising tide of poverty, the new Scottish Child Payment will act as a lifeline for families struggling to stay afloat.

"An additional £10 per week will help unlock tens of thousands of children from poverty and underlines the important role that Scottish social security powers have to address poverty.

"The early introduction of the new payment in 2020-21 for families with children under six is particularly welcome, and shows what can be done when there is political will to address poverty.

"Today has shown that we can use our social security powers for a purpose; loosening the grip of poverty on people's lives.''

Citizens Advice Scotland's social justice spokeswoman Mhoraig Green said: "The new Scottish Child Payment is a step in the right direction and its fast-tracked introduction for children under six is a testament to the hard work of campaigners across Scotland.

"We are also pleased that the Scottish Government has pledged to avoid capping this new benefit for larger families.

"What is essential is that families who are entitled to this benefit claim it, and everything else that they are entitled to.''

She added: "In the meantime, people who are struggling can turn to their local Citizens Advice Bureau for support.

"We help and advocate for hundreds of thousands of people each year and can ensure people are claiming the right support and not over-paying on bills.

"Our support is free, impartial and confidential.''

Jim McCormick from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation said: "We have heard from people across Scotland that the introduction of this new payment will be a lifeline for families currently trapped in poverty.

"Today's statement will be welcome news for hundreds of thousands of children.

"£10 for a child in poverty can mean being able to buy fresher food, or go on a school trip, or have enough warm clothes.''

He added: "Fast-tracking the introduction of this new payment is absolutely the right thing to do and is a golden opportunity to make meaningful progress in solving child poverty in Scotland.

"We look forward to continuing to work with the Scottish Government as well as families to design a system that works for them, and which offers the certainty needed to enable every family in Scotland to achieve a better life.''

Jamie Livingstone, head of Oxfam Scotland, said: "The Scottish Child Payment will be a lifeline for families up and down Scotland who are being dragged into poverty.

"This week, over 70 organisations and leaders signed a letter calling for an income top-up to be fast-tracked and ministers have listened to the need for this extra cash to be introduced faster.

"Putting cash in the pockets of struggling families will help many stay afloat and today's announcement is very welcome news.

"This is particularly true for women, who are more likely to experience poverty than men.''

He added: "The Scottish Government only has certain levers at its disposal but this move will offer a much-needed life raft to those who need it most and move us towards being a fairer and more compassionate nation.

"With the equivalent of a classroom of children pulled into poverty every day in Scotland, we hope this payment will mean fewer families will need to go without basic essentials, including food."