10 signs summer is over

We've not really seen much sun this summer but it did happen.

Published 28th Aug 2015

We've not really seen much sun this summer but it did happen, in case you missed it here are some points to help you spot that it's over...

1. The gradual increase of people wearing coats. It's time to switch out our thin waterproof to our thick one.

2. Restaurants are taking Christmas bookings. Never mind Halloween and Bonfire Night, we need to skip to the good stuff.

3. The end of season sales start. Those big red signs. A warning of what’s to come.

4. School starts back again Whether you're off to uni or you're shipping off your own kids, education must continue.

  1. The X Factor and Strictly Come Dancing are back on TV Voting opens now!

6. It gets dark really early You leave work and before you know it night time is upon us.

7. You don't want to be outside anymore In summer the slightest bit of sun and we're in our swimwear and flipflops in the garden. Now we avoid daylight at all costs.

8. BBQs get packed away Those two times we switched it on were worth buying it for.

9. Sunglasses are no longer an essential item Shame, you looked really cool in those...

10. The garden is finally done You’ve spent weeks cutting grass, pulling weeds and painting fences. But now, you can hang up your gardening gloves because in the words of Jon Snow "winter is coming".