Appeal for help to transform old Post Office in Ayr into community hub

The 10:10 Trust is converting the building on Lochside Road.

Published 1st Jul 2019

An organisation is appealing for help to transform an old Post Office in Ayr into a hub for the community.

The 10:10 Trust has taken over the building on Lochside Road to create a space for local people and youngsters to use.

They're supported by "The Give A Day Ayrshire" group which is drafting in volunteers to help with the build.

But Director Dylan Harper says they need all the help they can get. "It can be owned by the community. It will lift this derelict building and really improve its appearance on the corner. It'll be a real heart of the community.

"There is lots of work happening right now to clear the place out and get the renovations started.

"We're at the point where we need help. People with trades skills and experience to help advise what we do next."

You can get in touch with The 10:10 Trust to help on their Facebook page.