Funding available in community initiative

Funding of £10,000 will be available to two communities in an exciting new pilot initiative which will revolutionise funding opportunities, putting communities at the heart of the process.

Published 9th May 2016

Funding of £10,000 will be available to two communities in an exciting new pilot initiative which will revolutionise funding opportunities, putting communities at the heart of the process. Vibrant Communities are running the pilot after receiving £10,000 from the Scottish Government for Participatory Budgeting, which was match-funded by East Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership. Participatory Budgeting (PB) provides funding to groups or individuals who are either based within the two pilot communities of Mauchline and Newmilns/Darvel or provide a service that directly benefits the local residents. The local Community Led Action Plan groups are involved in the process and local steering groups have been established, with the support of Vibrant Communities, to take a lead locally. Unlike traditional funding applications the initial form is very brief. The application forms will allow the local steering group to create a shortlist of applicants. They will then be invited to present their ideas in three minute slots at a public event where the audience will vote on who should receive funding. Voting will be open to all audience members over the age of 12 years. Funding decisions will be made on the day and applicants will be informed immediately. Also in a break from the traditions of normal funding arrangements, interested groups or individuals don’t require either a bank account or a constitution. The local Community Led Action Plan groups will hold any money awarded to applicants who don’t hold a bank account or have a constitution. Vibrant Communities can offer support to applicants with the application form and, for those who are shortlisted, assistance with presentations for the public event. The first public event, Mauchline Matters, is being held at Mauchline Community Centre on Sunday 5 June between 1pm and 5pm while the Newmilns/Darvel event, Valley Ventures, will be held in Darvel Town Hall on Saturday 25 June between 12pm and 4pm. Mauchline has a maximum bid for projects of £750, minimum £100, and in Newmilns/Darvel the maximum is £1000 and there is no minimum bid. The themes of the local Community Led Action Plans and the key outcomes from the East Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership Strategic Plan will form the criteria for bids. Full guidance on themes and outcomes will be made available to applicants. The application deadline for Mauchline is 5pm on Monday 16 May. The deadline for Newmilns/ Darvel is 5pm on Friday 24 June. Applicants must be seeking funding for projects which will start after the public events to be held in June and end before 31 March 2017.

For further information please contact Margaret MacBain on 01563 578104.