NHS plans for secure unit in Ayrshire for children and young people

The facility would be the first of its kind in Scotland.

There are plans to build a secure unit in Ayrshire for children and teenagers with psychiatric problems.

Proposals have been drafted by NHS Ayrshire and Arran for the facility to be built in Irvine.

It's understood it would cost around £4.5m and have 12 beds for boys and girls under the age of 19 who are at risk to themselves or the public.

If the plans get the go ahead, the unit would be the first of its kind in Scotland. At the moment, young people who need to be cared for in a secure environment are sent down south or are put on an adult psychiatric ward.

The projects has the backing of the Scottish Children's Services Coalition - which supports vulnerable young people.

Sophie Pilgrim from the service explains more..