SpaceX Graphic Almost Identical to East Lothian Football Club Logo

Haddington Town FC: "Instead of suing or complaining, I think we should invite Elon in"

Author: Jack FosterPublished 15th Sep 2023
Last updated 15th Sep 2023

Supporters of Haddington Town FC are claiming Elon Musk's SpaceX has copied their distinctive goat logo.

It's the official animal of the East Lothian town and has appeared on the Sunday league team's strips since they started, but many have now taken to social media to point out the distinct similarities between their badge and that of the Billionaire’s SpaceX programme.

SpaceX was founded in 2002 by Elon Musk, to manufacture spacecrafts, launch satellites and one day colonise Mars.

Associated Press / Alamy Stock Photo
Haddington Town FC

"They were just like - is this your logo that’s on the side of a SpaceX building for the next rocket launcher?"

Haddington Town FC is an amateur Sunday League team, based in the East Lothian town. Ryan Leishman is involved with the club, he said he first noticed something had happened when he logged onto X (formerly Twitter) on Thursday: “I thought, why does the Haddington Town Twitter account have 20+ notifications? We haven’t played a game in four days or something. It was Americans, and they were just like - is this your logo that’s on the side of a SpaceX building for the next rocket launcher? I was like, yep, it’s got the beard, it’s got everything, so yeah.”

“Instead of suing them or complaining, I think we should invite Elon in. If he does hear about this, come join us, you’re welcome to invest we know you can - or if he really wants he can invest and I’ll put a strip on him and put him up in the next game if he wants”