Ali Wright

Ali Wright

About Ali Wright

Five Things We Don’t Know about you

I used to work as a Butlins Redcoat

I have a degree in Musical Theatre

I can dislocate my shoulder blades

I once met Noel Edmonds and nearly got to be on his house party back in the day

I can tap dance

Career History

I spent far too many years in office jobs I hated before discovering that I loved radio. I worked for an HR Director and he once told me I was a lovely person but terrible at admin. In hindsight, I think he was right…

Career Highlight to Date?

Being given my own show – never in a million years did I think it’d happen! It actually happened over lockdown and I was so petrified that originally I said “no thanks” when they offered me the job…

Your Favourite Scottish event of the year?

Burns Night cos I love Haggis and my Dad always used to address the Haggis at the dinner table when I was wee!!

What gives Ayrshire its edge?

I’d say the scenery – it’s just stunning. I still feel like a tourist when I go to Ayr and visit all the Burns attractions.

If you could change one thing about Ayrshire, what would it be?

I’d make It sunny 24/7 so it’s always beach weather (with factor 50 of course)…

What is your favourite band/music act of all time?

The Killers! Michael loves them just as much as I do so we always sing along in the studio!

Which fashion accessory could you not live without?

My Granny’s wee gold ring. I always say it brings me luck.

What is Ayrshire’s best kept secret?

Ali & Michael in the morning obviously! Best breakfast show in all the land!

Who is the most interesting person you’ve met and why?

Gavin Mitchell AKA Boaby the Barman from Still Game! I’ve met him a few times and he has so many stories and he’s just a fantastic actor as well!

If you won the Cash Register (unfortunately you can’t!), what would you spend it on?

I’d donate a big chunk of it to Cash for Kids and then I’d take my friends and family away on the holiday of a lifetime! I’m awful with money though so I’d need to give it to Mammy Jackie who could look after it for me! Also, I’ve always wanted a hot tub!

If you weren’t on the radio, what would you be doing?

Trying to get on the radio!

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