10 things you know if you're a workaholic

You'll even dream about work

Published 5th Jul 2016

For those people who live and breathe their work, there's no such thing as a weekend or holiday!

To celebrate National Workaholics Day, here are 10 things you'll relate to if you too are a workaholic.

1. You reply to emails all day every day. Everyone knows your sleep pattern due to your replies.


2. You dream about work. Either what you have done or what you need to do.

3. You celebrate the day you’re back at work. For you it’s all about TGIM or TGIS if you work weekends.


4. Going on holiday is a time of panic not relaxation. You end up doing twice as much work before you go just to keep on top of things.

5. You spend time daydreaming of new ideas for work. Whether it’s to improve sales or efficiency, you spend your time thinking of what more could be done.

6. You struggle to leave on time. When others are out the door you tell yourself ‘just one more minute’ and you’re still there an hour later.

7. There’s no such thing as 9-5. You’re on it all day every day.

8. And you don’t understand why everyone else isn’t always connected. Why is nobody answering my emails or calls!

9. You sometimes forget to eat. You’re so busy that you don’t realise what time it is.

10. Your mobile number is on your 'out of office' message. You know, just in case.

Is this you?