Jurgen Klopp surprises life long Liverpool fans with special gift

To celebrate the expansion of Anfield’s Main Stand

Published 9th Aug 2016

Liverpool FC boss Jurgen Klopp has surprised two life long Liverpool fans with a special gift just days before the new season kicks off.

Klopp surprised mother and son Alison and James Perez with a pair of season tickets for the upcoming 2016/17 Premiership campaign.

To make the surprise a little bit sweeter, Alison and James have been waiting on the season ticket list for over 20 years.

The pair were invited to Liverpool’s training ground in what they thought was to take part in a fans documentary, however things soon became clear it all wasn’t as it seemed.

Making the announcement Klopp said “These season tickets are a gift from LFC, so it’s not only the first season tickets, it’s for free. I feel a little bit like Santa Claus at this moment! Hopefully, I see you a few times in the stadium."

Upon receiving the special gift, Alison said: “We didn’t think we’d spend this long waiting; we’ve been on the list for 20 years. After all this waiting it’s like a dream come true."

Watch the moment below:

The kind gesture was to celebrate the expansion of Anfield’s Main Stand which will see the capacity of the stadium reach 54,000.

After a positive pre-season, Liverpool kick off their new season at Arsenal on Sunday 14th August at 4pm. The reds then travel to Burnley and Tottenham before their first home game against current champions Leicester City on Saturday 10th September.

For a full list of Liverpool FC fixtures click here.