Photo of a young couple about to kiss after awful car crash goes viral

Arika publicly thanked her boyfriend.

Published 11th Jan 2016

A young couple from Nashville started the year in one of the worst ways you can imagine.

Arika Stovall and her boyfriend, Hunter Hanks were driving from Hunter's family in Florida to Nashville on News Year's Day when they had a horrific car crash.

Despite all odds the pair escaped serious injury so Arika took to Facebook to publicly thank her boyfriend for supporting her throughout the aftermath of the crash and this has touched people around the world.

Arika's expression of love and gratefulness has now seen her Facebook post go viral, being shared nearly 87,000 times.

Posting on Facebook Arika said, "here is the miracle part: no broken bones, concussions that lasted not even 24 hours, no internal damage, and just a few stitches in my knee and hunters face."

She continued, "paramedics wonder how we didn't die instantly and a truck that looks like it's been through a tree grinder. We're both already released from the hospital not even 48 hours after entering."

The responses to her post have all been positive such as, 'that was beyond beautifully written Arika!!' and 'couldn't have been written better, beautiful!'.

Arika finished her post by saying, "we're so grateful for this wreck and all it will do in our lives. We are blessed to be okay."

Boyfriend Hunter has also taken to social media posting photos of the couple in hospital on Instagram.

Photo credit:

The couple have told a local news channel that they are amazed that their story has touched so many lives.

You can read her full post below.

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