Campaign Launch

Already, during 2014 no fewer than 65 people have been killed.

Published 23rd Oct 2014

By Jordan Moates

‘Take Care, Get There’ – that is the simple, yet powerful message Downtown Radio/Cool FM is driving home from today to road users across Northern Ireland.

Our exclusive road safety campaign is launched during what has been one of the worst years in recent times for road crashes.

Already, during 2014 no fewer than 65 people have been killed.

This year’s figure has surpassed the overall total for 2013 and the tally for 2012.

In addition, there have been 5,291 casualties as a result of 3,456 collisions in just the first six months of the year.

Our campaign will raise awareness of a whole raft of road safety issues and will attempt to stop rising figures of fatalities and injuries by urging motorists, motorcyclists, cyclists and pedestrians to ‘Take Care, Get There’ on our roads.

We will be taking a year-round approach so as to capture all four seasons, and the various problems on the roads, associated with winter, spring, summer and autumn.

During this time there will be interviews with the families of road crash victims, road safety experts such as the PSNI and members of the public.

We would also like to hear from you.

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