Get on your bike!

Stay safe on your bike this spring!

Published 27th Apr 2015

Following the launch of the Belfast Bikes today, it's important to stay safe on the roads and to always be aware of your surroundings. Below are seven guidelines to help keep you safe when out on the roads this spring.

1. Equipment

Make sure your bike is the correct size and is well maintained and that your clothing is bright and appropriate.

2. Road Use

Ensure that you are familiar with the Highway Code as it applies to cycling and that you understand how to position your bicycle on the road when riding along, approaching or using junctions or interacting with other users.

3. Looking behind

Practise looking over either shoulder until you can do it without wobbling. It should become second nature to do this before any significant position change or other manoeuvre.

4. Braking

Practise using both brakes together so that you can brake safely and comfortably.

5. Arm signals

Practise giving clear signals without wobbling or losing control.

· Left arm out - “I intend to move in to the left or turn left”

· Right arm out - “I intend to move out to the right or turn right”

· (Right) arm up and down - “I intend to slow down or stop”

6. Changing gears

Practise using gears. It should become automatic to change down quickly before stopping: this allows you to get moving quickly when traffic restarts.

7. Patience

Consider the need to maintain the right attitude and behaviour on the road. Road users frequently get themselves into awkward situations simply because they won’t wait. Some patience, courtesy and good sense leads to faster, smoother journeys.