Home pick-up for crash boy family

The siblings of Adam Gilmour are to be picked up from their home after the 8 year old was killed in November.

Published 27th Nov 2014

Siblings of an eight-year-old boy knocked down and killed while walking along a country road to get a school bus will now be able to be picked up from their home.

Adam Gilmour's mother Sarah had urged the education authorities to collect her six children from their doorstep just weeks before the crash happened on the outskirts of the village of Cloughmills, Co Antrim, earlier this month.

In a tragically prophetic warning, Ms Gilmour had expressed fears that such an incident might occur if she and her children had to continue walking along the road every morning to meet the bus.

Traditional Unionist Voice leader Jim Allister had also lobbied the North Eastern Education and Library Board to divert the bus to the Gilmour house.

It is understood an offer to collect the children from home has now been made by the board.

Mr Allister said: Following weeks of representations and the tragic death of young Adam Gilmour, I have now been advised by the NEELB that finally they have agreed to have the Gilmour children picked up at their Loughill Road home, if and when they can face returning to that address.''

The 18-year-old driver of the car involved in the crash that killed Adam was arrested and later released on police bail.

The schoolboy's mother and one of his brothers required hospital treatment after the early-morning collision.

A spokeswoman for the NEELB said board members were appraised of the actions of staff prior to, and in response to, Adam's death at a meeting yesterday.

She said the offer to provide transport from the home was an interim'' measure pending the outcome of the PSNI investigation into the crash.

We express our sincerest condolences to the family on the loss of Adam and we wish Adam's family members a speedy recovery from their injuries,'' said the board spokeswoman.

While the board awaits the outcome of the PSNI investigation into the case, interim transport arrangements are in place for the family. The board remains committed to assisting the family as best we can.''