10 of the best hangover hacks

Check out the 10 best hangover hacks.

Published 22nd Dec 2015

We are all guilty of enjoying a drink or two and we certainly all pay for it when the killer hangover kicks in.

Check out the 10 best hangover hacks to get you through:

1. Water, water and more water

Gulp down a glass of water like your life depends on it. The main culprit of the hangover from hell; ‘the headache’ is linked to the dehydrating effect of alcohol, so get some good liquid back in your body.

2. Get active

We know it may seem like you can’t lift your head off the pillow, but believe us, if you get up and get active it can make you feel better. Just make sure you always have a sick bucket with you at all times.

3. Caffeine kick

If you're lucky enough to like coffee then listen to science as caffeine is believed to narrow swollen blood vessels, aiding your headache.

4. Have a long shower

Last night’s Sambuca still seeping from your pores? Have yourself a warm shower or bath. Ok so scientifically it won’t help your hangover from hell but it will at least stop you smelling like the nightclub you left at 4am.

5. The big, greasy breakfast

Not our greatest piece of health advice, but a big greasy fry-up is the perfect cure when you are slowly decomposing in bed.

Unbelievably the fat intake will break down the alcohol in your liver, therefore speeding up recovery.

6. Painkillers

The tiny little miracles will relieve pain all over your body.

7. Wear sunglasses

After a heavy night out your eyes may become sensitive to light - so add this to your pounding headache and it’s enough to make you want to hide under the duvet forever.

Don’t panic, sunglasses are your saviour.

8. Ginger

Have some ginger! Put it in your tea, your food or even eat the root, trust us it will help you. Ginger has been scientifically proved to help nausea, which is just what you need when your head’s down the toilet!

9. Don’t continue drinking

We hate to be kill-joys but don’t start drinking again. Believe us it does not work in the long term!

10. If all else fails

Failing all of the above, crawl back into bed and assume the foetal position until it’s over.