7 Step Music Festival Survival Guide

Published 18th Apr 2016

By Jonathan Traynor

Every summer, come rain or shine, thousands of music fans set out to invade fields across the UK and Ireland to revel in live music.

Whether it is the Sunflower Festival near Hillsborough, or amongst the tens of thousands heading to Glastonbury, the challenges remain the same – surviving the weekend intact and being able to remember the bands you came to see!

Before you pack the tent and venture forth this summer, here are some essential tips that will help make sure you can extract every bit of the music mayhem and stay safe.

1. Sunscreen

Yes, it is unlikely, but sometimes the sun does shine here! And, if it does the lobster look isn’t a good one. You’ll feel sore, uncomfortable and it will spoil the whole weekend.

We’re not pretending to be the Chief Medical Officer, but make sure you pack some Factor 50 and lather it over your exposed bits liberally. You’ll thank us as you hear the whines and whinges of those who forgot this.

2. Toilet roll

We don’t want to be indelicate, but whether it is Stendhal in Limavady or Ramblin Man Fair in Kent, your bodily functions wait for no one.

Sure, the port-a-loos are reasonably well catered for, but there is a certain sense of satisfaction at having your own paper rather than the paper thin, wax like toilet roll that is too often a hallmark of festival toilets. (And, for the ladies, having your own toilet roll helps when you are perfecting your lipstick…)

3. Hydrate

The music has caught your mood and spirit, and you are ready to rock and roll with a beer in hand. Stop right there.

We’re not suggesting you abstain from alcohol, but you can be sure that if you rip right into it, you’ll not remember the headline act, or the way back to your tent!

Have a ready supply of water with you, and for every pint take two pints of water. The sun may not shine, but if you don’t pace yourself and hydrate you won’t shine either.

4. Towels

A music fest isn’t like staying at a hotel so you’ve got to think about providing for yourself. All festivals have some sort of shower facilities, but they do not have nice fluffy towels and free shower gel.

You may think you can throw a few t-shirts in your backpack and you are sorted, but if you don’t have a towel how can you dry off after freshening yourself up for another day?

5. Planning

Every festival has clashes in terms of the music you want to see, but that’s not we are talking about.

We’re actually being more practical. How are you getting there? Who are you going with? When are you returning to your tent each night? And, how are you getting home?

Sounds boring, but deal with these questions now and it saves a lot of headaches, arguments and wandering around fields wondering where exactly your mates are?

6. Phones

Yeah, you’ve taken the selfies on the bus or train to your festival, you’ve posted on social media about your journey – we live in a connected work. But come day two of the festival your phone battery is drained and your parents have called Mountain Rescue.

While many fests now offer charging points, you can also buy or blag from most providers portable chargers. Worth the investment…even if you only have it charged to add on Facebook that wonderful new friend you met down the front.

7. Safe Fun

It sounds stupid, but remember that you are there to listen to the music, and have fun. Don’t just go to see the bands you have pencilled in to watch, but check out some of the bands you wouldn’t normally listen to.

But, every time you are at a different stage make sure you and your friends know where you are, when you are meeting… then kick back and rock out!