'A no-deal Brexit would be a disaster' - warning from NI business and farmers' leaders

Retail Consortium and UFU say such a scenario would mean extra costs

Ivor Ferguson
Author: Nigel GouldPublished 18th Jan 2019
Last updated 18th Jan 2019

Leaders from two of Northern Ireland’s most important economic sectors warned today (Friday) that there is a danger we could ‘sleep walk into a no-deal Brexit’.

And both Aodhan Connolly and Ivor Ferguson say that would be a catastrophe.

Mr Connolly, director of the NI Retail Consortium, said: “I’ve said before and I will say it again – a no-deal Brexit would be a disaster.

“We already have half the discretionary income of households in Great Britain.

“We have higher costs for things like fuel and car insurance.

“So we are already at a lower economic starting point.

“If you bring in then a no deal scenario – you’re talking about tariffs, you’re talking about customs, you’re talking about non-tariff barriers that means delays and checks.

“And a lot those things means there’s going to be costs.”

Prime Minister, Theresa May, will continue to hold meetings with political parties today in an attempt to get her deal through the House of Commons.

She has got less than two weeks to re-negotiate with the EU and then get enough MPs on board - to secure things like trade deals.

The Ulster Farmers' Union has been very vocal from the start of this process that a no deal outcome would have severe impacts.

President, Ivor Ferguson said: “In Northern Ireland 70 or 80% of what we produce leaves Northern Ireland so we’ve always wanted free access to GB mainland market which is our main markets.

“But we also want to be able to trade with all member states."