Facebook apology to local NI cancer charity after it banned video

Author: Sasha WyliePublished 1st Oct 2019

Social media giant Facebook has apologized to a local cancer charity after it banned their breast cancer awareness video.

The educational Cancer Focus Northern Ireland video shows women how to check their breasts using a plastic model and illustrates the signs and symptoms on an infographic.

The new video, presented by local radio personality Rebecca McKinney, was launched as part of breast cancer awareness month in October and is part of the charity’s new fundraising campaign Support Your Girls.

Banning the video from the charity’s Facebook business page, Facebook said: "Some audiences are sensitive to different things when it comes to nudity."

The move by Facebook left the charity baffled.

Speaking after it was banned, Roisin Foster, chief executive of Cancer Focus NI, said: "I am completely baffled by this decision. All we are trying to do is educate women about how to check themselves, raise awareness of the signs and symptoms and raise money for support for younger women with breast cancer.

"We know anecdotally that many women aren’t aware of all the signs of breast cancer apart from finding a lump. Nor are they sure how to check themselves or how often. One in ten women in Northern Ireland get breast cancer, so it’s essential that these messages are spread. Social media is a vital part of promoting our health cancer prevention work."

Roisin added: "Our video is inoffensive, tasteful and educational. Given the highly questionable, dubious nature of some of the material that Facebook does allow on its site, I am totally perplexed that our very important video has been rejected by them."

Facebook was contacted by a number of different media organisations, including Downtown/Cool FM for comment.

The social media giants then released a statement, saying they were reversing the decision to ban the video.

A spokesperson said: "Whilst adult nudity is not allowed on Facebook, we do make exceptions for posts which are shared for educational or medical reasons, or to raise awareness for causes such as breast cancer awareness. We’re sorry for the inconvenience caused."

Roisin Foster, chief executive of Cancer Focus NI, replied to the recent news saying: "It isn’t quite accurate to say that the video was removed in error as it didn’t appear on Facebook when we tried to posted it and it was also turned down as a paid for advert. Facebook informed us that the video didn’t meet their standards.

"It’s a pity we had to go to these lengths to ensure the video was publicised. However, we are delighted that Facebook has seen sense, changed their mind and has posted what is a professionally made, educational and tasteful video. We hope that it will be widely viewed and be of real use to thousands of women."