Our GoT Expert’s Game of Thrones Awards 2016

We’ve trawled through blood, fire, guts and sexually explicit content to bring you the champions of this exclusive Award’s Ceremony. You’re welcome.

Published 24th Apr 2016

By Abby Williams

As we brace ourselves for April, it’s only right that we should take the time to acknowledge the best (and worst) of Game of Thrones Season 5.

We’ve trawled through blood, fire, guts and sexually explicit content to bring you the champions of this exclusive Award’s Ceremony. You’re welcome.

So, ahead of the new season starting, forget the Emmy’s, let’s refresh our memories and celebrate the real winners and losers of last Season’s GoT.

Best Battle: The Battle of Hardhome

Best Dressed Woman: Daenerys Targaryen

Best Dressed Man: The High Sparrow

Cutest Couple: Grey Worm and Missandei

Worst Haircut: Cersei Lannister

Sadist of the Year: Ramsey Bolton

Most Improved Character: Jaime Lannister

Bad Ass of 2015: Arya Stark

Awkward Moment of 2015: When Melisandre realised that the Lord of Light had bailed and the battle at Winterfell was pointless.


Best Dragon: Drogon

Worst Dad 2015: Tywin Lannister

Shock Moment of the Year: Jon Snow being stabbed by the Brothers of the Night’s Watch.

Coolest Granny: Lady Olenna Tyrell

Best Escape: Sansa and Theon

Lifetime Achievement Award: Tyrion Lannister

Read Abby’s Throne Watch column here