Lisburn man falls victim to £60,000 scam

The scammers used the death of his mother to con him into handing over large sums of money.

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Author: Naomi HollandPublished 11th Jan 2019

A grieving County Antrim man has been conned out of over £60,000.

In May 2018 the Lisburn man received a call saying his late mother had left him thousands of shares in an American Company. The scammer claimed to be a lawyer from a big US Firm.

They told him the shares were restricted and he would have to pay £6,000 to get them released. But after handing over the money, more requests for cash kept coming saying he had to pay for a new share certificate and needed to make a payment for warrant purchases.

He even received an email purporting to be from the US Taxman, saying as he was not a US citizen he would have to pay taxes on the shares.

The payments to the scammer were all for large amounts - the largest being £13,000.

The Lisburn man only recently learned the whole thing was a scam, and has lost out on £60,000 overall.

The body ScamwiseNI said the scammers have no morals whatsoever, and added "Remember; if it seems too good to be true then it probably is!"