MMR vaccine: Young mums urging others to ensure they're vaccinated

New catch up vaccination campaign launched in Northern Ireland

Aideen McHugh and Rachael McCollum
Published 7th Feb 2024

A group of young mums is urging others to ensure they have had both doses of their MMR vaccine.

It comes as the Public Health Agency launches a new 'catch up' vaccination programme in Northern Ireland, with clinics across the province until March, 31.

The vaccine protects against measles, mumps and rubella and requires two doses.

The PHA says there has been a worrying drop in uptake in recent years and there is a rise in measles cases across the UK and Europe, although there are currently no cases in Northern Ireland.

At St Mary's parent and toddlers group in north Belfast, young mums said they are concerned.

Aideen McHugh has three children who are all vaccinated.

She told us she would encourage others to make sure they are protected:

"I know measles is on the rise at the minute and my children have been vaccinated but I think there needs to be some more awareness, I don't think some people are aware of how severe it can be."

Rachael McCollum is a mother of one and says she is concerned:

"I think it's really, really important that children are vaccinated, measles is such a dangerous disease.

"I think it's just so important you want the best outcome for your child, you don't want them to get really sick."

First and second doses of the MMR vaccine will be offered to anyone aged between 12 months and 25 years who missed getting the vaccines first time around.

Those who have never received any doses of MMR vaccine are urged to book early to allow one month between dose one and dose two before the end of March.