NI Covid vaccines to be ramped up from today

Online booking slots to open to over 65s from Thursday

Author: Tara MclaughlinPublished 28th Jan 2021
Last updated 28th Jan 2021

The Coronavirus mass vaccination programme is being accelerated across Northern Ireland from today (Thursday).

It includes the second phase and will see over 65s invited to book online.

Members of the public are being invited to one of the seven vaccination sites.

Dr Patricia Donnelly heads up the vaccination rollout:

"The region received a further delivery of the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine on Tuesday, and another delivery is expected next week.

"Those will cover the 75-plus age group and start provision to the over-70 population.

"Thursday will see the start of a 'twin-track approach' as the seven regional vaccination centres start receiving members of the public.

"GPs will focus on the 70-and-over age group, while the vaccination centres will offer appointments to 65-to-69-year-olds."

Online booking available here