3 men ransacked home in Derry

It happened in the early hours of this morning, in the Rossbay area of Clooney in Londonderry.

Police are appealing for information.
Author: Hannah PattersonPublished 17th Dec 2023

A house in the Rossbay area of Clooney, Derry / Londonderry was burgled in the early hours of this morning (Sunday, 17th December).

A police spokesperson said: “We received a report that three men, described as wearing dark clothing with hoods up and faces covered, had gained entry to a house in the area at around 4.00 this morning by smashing a pane of glass in the rear door. A woman in her 90s was alone in the property and was prevented from leaving her bedroom by one of the men while the other two ransacked her home. At this stage, it is not believed that anything was stolen.

Before leaving empty-handed, the men cut the internal wire to the phone to prevent the woman from seeking assistance, leaving her unable to raise the alarm until 7.00."

The woman was physically unharmed.

Police enquiries are continuing to establish the circumstances surrounding this incident. Police believe this burglary may be linked to three other suspected attempted break-ins in the area overnight. They are appealing to anyone who witnessed anything suspicious in the area, or who may have relevant doorbell or CCTV footage, to contact them on 101, quoting reference number 401 of 17/12/23.

A report can be made using the online reporting form via www.psni.police.uk/makeareport . Information can also be provided to Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or online at www.crimestoppers-uk.org