Women's Aid: Demand for services has soared since the pandemic

The charity is marking its 40th year in operation

Eileen Murphy is the CEO of Women's Aid in Armagh and Down
Published 29th Feb 2024

Women's Aid is warning demand for its services across Northern Ireland is at a record high.

It comes as the charity marks 40 years in operation.

Speaking at a conference in Newry, Eileen Murphy, CEO of Women’s Aid in Armagh and Down said more and more women are seeking help:

“49 women have been murdered across the island of Ireland since March 2020 in domestic situations, 18 of these women in Northern Ireland. These are stark and shocking figures as behind each statistic is a woman, often children, and a heartbroken family.

“This needs to stop- we have the power to stop this, but we all need to be part of the change.

The charity has seen record numbers of women coming forward and have been steadily increasing since the Covid-19 pandemic:

Eileen said: "After Covid, something happened, something changed in covid and it almost was like perpetrators were given a license to be more depraved, more violent, more abusive and what we're hearing now is much more extreme.

"40 years down the line the organisation has grown immensely, last year we provided services to over 1300 women and 1500 children and young people.

"Our services are hugely in demand."

"There's over 1300 women in support at any given time but there's also another 350 women trying to get into support services, our refuges are full continually and unfortunately more and more we have to tell women there isn't any more room."

However, Eileen says the organisation can help in other ways and provide support and signposting.

Help and support is available here there is also a 24hr domestic and sexual violence helpline, 0808 802 1414