No fairytale ending for brave Wales

Published 7th Jul 2016

By Nigel Gould

Cristiano Ronaldo broke Welsh hearts last night – after leading Portugal into the final of Euro 16.

The Real Madrid superstar leapt higher than anyone to head in the first of his side’s two goals.

Nani’s strike minutes later sealed Wales’ fate.

Portugal will now play either France or Germany who meet tonight in the second semi.

But it has been an incredible journey for Wales.

Less than five years after being ranked 117th in the world, and following some extremely difficult times, Lyon bore witness to the biggest match in Welsh football history.

An inspiring and improbable journey in France saw Wales through to the semi-finals of a major tournament for the first time, but Portugal proved too much of a hurdle to overcome yesterday evening

After last night’s game Boss Chris Coleman paid tribute to his team’s heroics.

“It was our turn to lose tonight but I told the players that whatever the end date was at this tournament, it is not the end for this group of players.

“They'll be there a lot longer than I'll be there as a manager, no doubt.

“This was another test for us tonight, another challenge. We didn't come through it, but we've come through some big ones previously.

“We've faced all sorts of challenges as a squad and as a group, and they've come through every one.

Tonight was one too far for us but I've told them all how proud I am of them, the nation is proud of them.

“I think once they settle down a bit in the next day or two, they've got to be proud of themselves.

“`We know what we're good at, we won't change what got us here in the first place.

“We have got to go into the next campaign with the same hunger and that we really focus on now. The same hunger and desire as we've had in this last two to three years.

“That's what I've told them. I can't tell you how proud I am - I am prouder of this team than any team I've ever been involved in because I know what they've sacrificed to get to this stage.

“When you give so much then you can't give any more. Results are going to be what they're going to be.

“I think they'll probably end up going back to Cardiff to a nice welcome, and they deserve that.''

Picture by: Joe Giddens / PA Wire/Press Association Images