Crusaders 3-0 Glentoran

Author: Alex KeeryPublished 13th Oct 2018

Crusaders scored one of the fastest goals in Irish League history as they beat Glentoran 3-0 at Seaview.

The opener came right from kickoff, as Sean Ward's long ball forward found the head of Jordan Owens, who flicked it into the path of Matthew Snoddy.

The midfielder took a touch before launching a left-footed volley from 25 yards which dipped over the head of Elliott Morris. The Glens veteran got a hand to it, but it was weak, and the ball bobbled over the line with barely 10 seconds on the clock.

After just 12 minutes, Paul Heatley chased a ball forward and won a free kick just outside the box after a handball by William Garrett, for which the defender was booked.

Ross Clarke stepped up and whipped a shot around the Glens wall and into the net, leaving Morris flat-footed as the home side took a commanding early lead.

Crusaders could and perhaps should have been 4 goals up at the break, as on 2 separate occasions, Heatley rounded the keeper but was unable to find the net.

Glentoran were handed the numerical advantage just before the hour mark as the home side went down to 10 men. Ward was shown 2 yellow cards in the space of 4 minutes; the first was debatable, but his second was fully deserved.

However, the visitors were unable to make the most of their supremacy, and with 79 minutes played it was Crues captain Colin Coates who headed the 3rd from a Clarke cross to put the result beyond all doubt.