GAA: setback in early return-to-action hopes

GAA return to action setback
Author: Nigel GouldPublished 11th Feb 2021
Last updated 11th Feb 2021

The GAA has suffered a setback in its bid for a full early return to all on-field activity.

In a letter last night (Wednesday) it revealed that during a meeting with Irish Government there was clarification that inter-county Gaelic games was not covered under the current Level 5 exemptions for elite sports.

That means a return to inter-county training or games would not be possible under the current restrictions.

And the letter said that in the view of GAA's Covid Advisory Group no on-field activity would be allowed until Easter at the earliest.

The letter goes on to say: "ln the interim, it is expected that the Government will publish an updated "Living with Covid" plan and we expect that this will provide clarity on when clubs and counties are likely to be allowed return to training and games in 2021.

"It should also provide clarity on when other off-field club activities may be permitted to resume.

"It is clear that this extended delay to the planned return of the inter-county season will have knock-on effects for both the inter-county and club games programmes originally planned for 2021".