Mysterious mini mice scenes are popping up around a Swedish city

They are proving popular with humans too.

Published 12th Dec 2016

If you find yourself walking around Malmö in Sweden you might notice a few unusual small businesses have popped up.

They're so small they are the perfect size for mice, there's a bakery and a 'cheese and cracker' shop, complete with mini chairs and tables, posters and products in the shop window, it's like something out of a fairytale.

A representative from the artistic group behind it told the Huffington Post “It’s just too darn charming to imagine a world where mice live parallel to ours but just slightly out of sight,”

They explained how the shops were built from things they found lying around such as tin can lids and stamps.

While the shops aren't actually open for business they have been attracting quite a lot of attention from humans, some of who have even been adding to the installation "someone has baked miniature buns and posters have been added to the scenery,” said the representative.

Anyone for cheese?