Court hears man smashed glass against victim's head during Eyemouth pub attack

Author: Ally McGilvrayPublished 15th Aug 2023
Last updated 15th Aug 2023

A 25-year-old man who smashed a drinks glass overĀ another man's head at an Eyemouth pub has been given a nine-month home curfew and ordered to pay his victim Ā£500 compensation.

It follows an incident at the Tavern Bar - in the town's High Street - on September the 3rd last year.

Jedburgh Sheriff Court heard Samuel Mcarthur approached the complainer while he was outside having a cigarette with friends around 10pm that night, and appeared to take offence at their conversation.

He began acting aggressively and repeated a religious slur, before striking him on the right side of his forehead with a glass he was holding.

Police were called but he continued shouting and swearing, despite efforts to calm him down.

And, on a journey to Hawick Police Station following his arrest, he repeatedly punched and kicked the inside of the police van.

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The court heard Mcarthur's victim suffered a five centimetre cut above his right eyebrow, which required four sutures and is expected to leave a scar.

His solicitor, Ross Dow, said his client had been drinking, when he doesn't normally, and had just been beaten up himself, probably because of his behaviour.

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Mcarthur pled guilty to the assault - aggravated by religious prejudice - to the man's severe injury and permanent disfigurement, as well as behaving in a threatening or abusive manner.

Passing sentence, Sheriff Peter Paterson warned the first offender the only reason he's not going to jail is because he has no previous convictions.

The home curfew, he said, was a direct alternative to custody. Mcarthur must stay at home in Callercove Crescent, Eyemouth, between the hours of 8pm and 5.30am.

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